Press Release
Sep 17, 2024 • By Sondra Connor

In a groundbreaking move to streamline work order management in the energy sector, NuclearN has partnered with DataGlance, a leader in digital work management solutions, to transform the way nuclear facilities plan and execute work orders. This partnership brings AI integration to the forefront, offering nuclear operators a more efficient and accurate approach to managing critical tasks.

The Power of AI Integration

At the core of this partnership is the integration of AI into DataGlance’s Work Order Management System, powered by NuclearN’s advanced AI capabilities. This combination promises to significantly reduce the time and resources needed to plan, track, and complete work orders across nuclear plants, all while enhancing accuracy and compliance.

By automating many of the manual processes that typically slow down work order planning, the new system offers plant managers and engineers a seamless way to keep operations running smoothly. With AI’s ability to learn and adapt to ongoing conditions, this solution ensures continuous improvements in scheduling, resource allocation, and decision-making.

Solving Industry Challenges

Work order planning in nuclear facilities is a complex, high-stakes process where delays or inaccuracies can result in significant operational setbacks. Until now, many of these processes were handled manually or required extensive human oversight, creating bottlenecks and risking compliance issues.

NuclearN and DataGlance aim to address these pain points by leveraging the power of AI to automate and optimize the work order lifecycle. With AI taking over repetitive and time-consuming tasks, plant teams can focus more on innovation, safety, and maintaining the high standards required in nuclear operations.

A Trusted Partnership

Brad Fox, CEO of NuclearN, remarked, “Our partnership with DataGlance is a significant step forward for the nuclear industry. By integrating our AI expertise into their work management solutions, we’re enabling facilities to achieve a level of efficiency that wasn’t possible before.”

Jerrold Vincent, CFO of NuclearN, echoed these sentiments, highlighting that, “AI is transforming the nuclear sector, and our collaboration with DataGlance demonstrates the power of pairing cutting-edge technology with real-world industry challenges.”

The partnership also emphasizes NuclearN’s commitment to security and compliance. Both companies are dedicated to providing secure, on-premise solutions that meet stringent regulatory requirements. NuclearN’s deep experience in handling classified and highly regulated environments ensures that these new AI-driven solutions adhere to all necessary compliance protocols.

Looking Ahead

This partnership between NuclearN and DataGlance marks a turning point in the nuclear industry’s approach to work order management. By embracing AI technology, nuclear facilities can now benefit from faster, smarter, and more reliable operations that ultimately enhance both safety and efficiency.

For more information on how NuclearN and DataGlance are transforming the nuclear energy sector with AI integration, visit or

Full Release