Powering the Future: Amazon and Google’s Investment in SMRs and How NuclearN is Driving AI Integration for a Carbon-Free Tomorrow

NuclearN applauds the groundbreaking investments from Amazon and Google in Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), recognizing how these developments align with the future of clean, sustainable energy. Amazon’s $500 million partnership with Energy Northwest and Google’s collaboration with Kairos Power are significant milestones in the integration of nuclear energy with advanced technology. These partnerships emphasize that nuclear energy, combined with cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), is crucial to powering the infrastructure required for future technological advancements.

As Phil Zeringue, VP of Strategic Partnerships at NuclearN, points out, “These partnerships are critical to powering the future technologies we rely on, and the synergy between nuclear and AI is key to a sustainable, energy-secure future.” Zeringue’s perspective reflects the evolving role of nuclear energy as a foundational pillar for the world’s energy needs, especially as global tech giants like Amazon and Google take action to secure carbon-free power sources for their growing infrastructure.

NuclearN is well-positioned at the intersection of nuclear energy and technology. With over 48 nuclear reactors across North America and Europe currently utilizing our AI-driven tools to enhance their operations, we understand the immense potential that AI holds in transforming how nuclear energy is deployed. We also recognize that Amazon’s and Google’s investment in SMRs goes beyond simply meeting their energy needs; it represents a commitment to long-term sustainability and a clear acknowledgment of the need for innovation to address the global energy crisis.

The Intersection of AI and Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy has long been regarded as a critical component of achieving a carbon-free future. However, the rise of SMRs provides a more flexible, scalable option for energy generation. Unlike traditional, larger nuclear reactors, SMRs can be deployed in a wider range of locations, require less upfront capital, and offer shorter construction timelines. Yet, despite these advantages, challenges such as human error, design changes, and logistical issues remain. This is where AI comes into play.

At NuclearN, we see AI as a critical enabler in the SMR deployment process. By integrating AI into SMR projects, we can significantly reduce human error, streamline design changes, and improve operational efficiency. Our AI-driven tools are already being used at nuclear sites to automate planning, streamline documentation processes, and enhance safety protocols. These tools allow engineers and operators to focus on building and maintaining SMRs efficiently while minimizing risks.

Phil Zeringue underscores the importance of these technologies, stating, “The integration of AI with SMRs is crucial for enhancing safety, reducing risks, and increasing the overall efficiency of these projects. These technologies not only align with our social impact goals but are also necessary to ensure the reliable, secure, and sustainable energy needed to power the future.”

By leveraging AI, we can address the two largest drivers of delays in SMR construction: human error and design changes. AI solutions can automate repetitive tasks, provide real-time insights for decision-making, and ensure that complex data is handled with precision. This not only improves the safety and efficiency of SMR projects but also reduces costs and keeps projects on schedule.

Amazon and Google: Leading the Charge in SMR Development

The recent announcements from Amazon and Google demonstrate that some of the world’s most innovative companies are betting on nuclear energy to meet their future energy needs. Amazon’s $500 million investment in partnership with Energy Northwest, along with Google’s collaboration with Kairos Power, showcases a growing recognition of SMRs’ potential to provide reliable, carbon-free energy. These companies are not just investing in their own infrastructure—they are signaling to the world that nuclear energy, paired with advanced technology, is a critical solution to the energy and environmental challenges we face.

Zeringue notes, “As more technology companies like Amazon and Google invest in nuclear technologies to power their infrastructure requirements, new nuclear power is needed more than ever. Which mean new workforce, new manufacturing and new tools to shrink the timelines to bring these crucial assets online”

These tech giants rely on vast amounts of energy to power their global operations, data centers, and the technologies that billions of people use every day. As they continue to expand their reach, the demand for secure and sustainable energy sources grows. Nuclear energy, particularly SMRs, offers a viable path forward. By investing in these solutions, Amazon and Google are not only securing their own energy futures but also helping to pave the way for the wider adoption of SMRs.

NuclearN’s Role in Supporting the Future of Energy

NuclearN’s mission is to drive forward the advancement of AI technologies alongside scalable energy solutions like SMRs. With our expertise in AI and nuclear energy, we are uniquely positioned to support the growth of SMRs and help meet the world’s increasing energy demands. Our work with 48 nuclear sites across North America and Europe has provided us with valuable insights into how AI can transform nuclear operations. By automating critical processes, improving safety, and reducing human error, we help nuclear facilities operate more efficiently and safely.

Our alignment with companies like Amazon and Google goes beyond shared goals of carbon neutrality. We recognize the importance of building partnerships that drive innovation and ensure a sustainable future. As SMRs become an increasingly important part of the energy landscape, the role of AI will only continue to grow. By integrating AI into SMR projects, we can accelerate the deployment of these reactors and ensure they operate safely and efficiently.

As Phil Zeringue emphasizes, “AI is a major force driving the need more carbon free energy, it is not lost on us that we are providing AI solution to make nuclear power the responsible, reliable and affordable choice which can power more AI which can further improve nuclear, it’s a virtuous cycle we are proud to be at the forefront of.”

Looking Ahead: A Carbon-Free, Energy-Secure Future

The investments from Amazon and Google mark an exciting chapter in the future of nuclear energy. Their leadership in this space highlights the importance of sustainable energy solutions to meet the demands of the modern world. NuclearN remains committed to advancing AI technologies that support the deployment and operation of SMRs, ensuring that the energy needs of the future are met with innovation, safety, and sustainability.

As the energy landscape evolves, it’s clear that partnerships between technology companies and nuclear energy providers are key to driving the development of scalable, carbon-free energy. NuclearN is proud to be part of this movement and looks forward to collaborating with industry leaders to create a cleaner, safer, and more secure energy future for all.

Enhance Your Outage Management with NuclearN

Managing nuclear plant outages is a critical task that demands meticulous planning, precise execution, and rapid responses to unforeseen challenges. At NuclearN, our platform, designed by nuclear engineers for nuclear engineers, offers a comprehensive solution to transform your outage management process, ensuring safety, compliance, and cost-effectiveness.

Comprehensive Outage Schedule Support

NuclearN provides robust schedule support to help you manage and mitigate risks effectively:

  • Identify Risks: Quickly identify high-schedule risk activities by department to prioritize and mitigate potential delays.
  • Accurate Predictions: Obtain precise outage duration predictions to plan effectively.
  • Flexibility in Planning: Run “what-if” scenarios to understand the impact of scope changes and adjust plans proactively.

Financial Support for Optimal Budget Management

Efficient financial management is crucial during outages. NuclearN offers tools to optimize your budget and ensure financial accuracy:

  • Budget Optimization: Strategically reduce online and spring outage O&M charges to accommodate outage expenses.
  • Asset Validation: Ensure all planned outage work orders are correctly classified as fixed assets, preventing financial discrepancies.

Engineering Support for Efficient Operations

NuclearN enhances engineering support by speeding up processes and ensuring compliance:

  • Expedite Changes: Speed up the process for DCNs and temporary alterations to keep projects on track.
  • Compliance Checks: Efficient 50.59 screening for replacing obsolete parts, ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Scope Review: Accelerate the engineering review of scope, ensuring all aspects are covered in time.

Outage Readiness: Preparing for Success

With NuclearN, your facility is well-prepared before the outage begins, setting the stage for success with fewer resources:

  • Daily Monitoring: See changes to schedule risks daily as tasks are complete, allowing quick adjustments.
  • Impact Analysis: Understand each activity’s percentage impact on the critical path to prioritize effectively.
  • Scenario Planning: Continuously run “what-if” scenarios to adapt to new challenges and changes.
  • Risk Identification: View high-schedule risk activities by group to allocate resources where needed most.

Observation Program for Continuous Improvement

NuclearN supports an efficient observation program to drive continuous improvement:

  • Efficient Observations: Supervisors can conduct faster, lower-friction observations.
  • Real-Time Analysis: Benefit from real-time trending and analysis to detect and address issues promptly.
  • Enhanced Quality: Ensure higher quality and more meaningful observations.

Issue Resolution and Enhanced Operations

NuclearN enables your team to react swiftly and efficiently during outages:

  • Expedite Changes: Speed up DCNs and temporary alterations.
  • Compliance Checks: Efficient 50.59 screening for obsolete parts.
  • Scope Review: Accelerate the engineering review of scope.

Optimize Financial and Engineering Efficiency

NuclearN helps you optimize budgets and ensure accurate financial management:

  • Expense Management: Reduce unnecessary O&M charges.
  • Asset Classification: Ensure accurate classification of planned outage work orders.

Stay ahead with NuclearN and transform your outage management strategy today!

NuclearN v1.9 Release

“At NuclearN, we are committed to continuous innovation. Our goal is to release a new version of our platform every 3 months, ensuring that our customers always have access to the latest advancements in technology and efficiency.”

— Jerrold Vincent & Brad Fox, NuclearN co-founders

The release of NuclearN version 1.9 at the end of 2023 introduced a new product plus new features and enhancements aimed at improving operational efficiency and the user experience for power generating utilities and beyond.

NuclearN Project Genius

The major addition with this release – Project Genius – integrates analytics and intelligence for large and complex projects. By using AI to learn from historical project data, and leveraging Monte Carlo simulations for new projects, Project Genius can automatically identify key project risks and highlight key opportunities for improving schedule, quality and cost.

Project Genius is now being implemented across a customer fleet in the United States, capitalizing on its strength in using Monte Carlo simulations for fleet-wide projects. This feature excels in forecasting uncertain project outcomes, streamlining risk identification, and uncovering opportunities to enhance project schedules, ultimately boosting decision-making and overall project efficiency. For more information about Project Genius, click here.

Critical vs Non-Critical Field Classification in Automation

This update allows users to classify fields in automation workflows as critical or non-critical, a crucial distinction for prioritizing decisions like condition reporting and significance levels. The platform now distinguishes accuracy in two areas – one for critical and the other for non-critical fields.  The changes are reflected in Auto Flow reports and KPIs, facilitating a more natural evaluation of results aligned with actual business value and impacts.

Bug Reporter

Our new email-based Bug Reporter captures error information and relevant logs, encrypts them, and creates a downloadable file for users to email to our support team. This simplifies bug reporting, making communication of issues more efficient.

Report Template Updates

We have refined our report templates, enhancing their intuitiveness and user-friendliness, ensuring the valuable data NuclearN provides is more accessible and actionable.

Version 1.9 showcases our continuous innovation and responsiveness to the energy sector’s needs, emphasizing robust, secure solutions that leverage AI and advanced technologies to amplify human expertise. This focus reflects our commitment to precision, safety, and reliability, positioning NuclearN as a leader in operational excellence and forward-thinking energy generation, with safety and efficiency as our guiding principles.

Stay informed and engaged with everything AI in the nuclear sector by visiting The NuclearN Blog. Join the conversation and be part of the journey as we explore the future of AI in power generation together.